Aliens 128 Kb mega hack

Gracias a Markus Hohmann, tenemos este hack para el juego Aliens, que incluye las siguientes características:

  • Cheats: Unlimited energy and unlimited ammo
  • Replaced: M-key now shows a game map, the small compass shows you your view direction in the actual room
  • keys in map: M – return to game, K – kills your crew (as M in the original game), R resurrects your crew
    Only resurrect your crew when it’s really necessary! The game increases Attack wave level each time you resurrect them!
    Other changes:
  • Changed the game GUI, to make it look more authentic, also added a Weyland Yutani logo
  • The ingame sprites now have 4 colours instead of 3
  • Intro screen re-pixeled and added a movie sample
    Other stuff:
  • nothing, enjoy my release

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